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Website Design
We are the best
We are the best
Orbit Revolution Tech is rated the best Web Design Agency
in Victoria Falls, with over 37 positive reviews on Google. We specialise in
designing bespoke websites that are nothing short of works of art. With over 5 years
of experience in the web design space, our team knows what works and what needs to
be done to make the most of your wesbite.
Our websites are not just for social statuses and appearances, we build websites
that bring clients to your doorstep. All the websites we build are optimised to
perfom well on search engines like Google, Bing and Yandex.
We also offer Web Development services. People often interchange the terms Web Design and Development but these two are fundamentally different. Web Design as the name might suggest mostly has to do with how the website looks, this is the frontend of the website, What the user sees and interacts with.Web development on the other hand has to do with the back processes of the website, for example, this is where we determine how the interface interacts with the database i.e creating, updating and deleting records from the database. So if you are a client, and you need a system that does more than just display information, then you are in need of our web development services.
Visually Compelling
There is more to web design than just pictures and words.The visual design of a good website must communicate with the viewer at an internal level. Your website should draw the attention of the audience and convince them to want to engage with your business and that is exactly what Orbit Revolution is about. Below are some snapshots of some visually compelling websites that we've done.
Web Design
When we say a website is responsive, we mean that you website can transform from a Desktop version to a Mobile version and still look good. Now this is important because nowadays people prefer to use their phones to browse the internet. Below are some shots from websites we have designed.
Web Design / CMS
There are a lot of CMS platforms out there, like Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, Drupal, Joomla etc. But the giant among these is of course Wordpress. There are over 75 Million websites that run on Wordpress and it is by far the most favoured of platforms in the industry.At Orbit Revolution our specialty is in building custom coded Websites, We build our own Content Management Systems. However as you would imagine, Wordpress is inevitable in this line of work. We get clients who specifically want their wesbites in Wordpress, and we give them exactly that. With a collection of over 50 Premium templates, we can build whatever website you can think of, in any niche.